All You Need to Know About Plunger Lift

 The oil and gas industry is witnessing rapid growthin recent times. To ensure smooth operations in the oilfields, it is important to have access to the right equipment. It includes downhole packersliner hangercasing accessories, and many more. Moreover, technologies like plunger lift are also essential. In this blog, you will get a complete idea about the plunger lift. Let's dive in!

A Quick Overview of Plunger Lift

In the gas wells, water often gets collected in the well. As a result, it limits the gas from rising to the surface. To remove the liquid and ensure the free flow of the gas, it is essential to leverage some kind of artificial lift. That is exactly where a plunger lift comes into the picture. 

A plunger lift method refers to an artificial lift method that helps in deliquefying natural gas wells. It makes use of the energy of the well to lift the fluid from a specific depth.

Common Applications of Plunger Lifts

In general, plunger lift systems are best applicable for high liquid-producing gaswells or high gas-liquid-ratio oil wells where a combination of low reservoirpressure and/or permeability are causing liquid slugging and intermittent production.

  • Oil Wells

In the oil wells, the plunger lifts are mainly used to control hydrates and paraffin. It can also help in conserving the formation of pressure.

  • Gas Wells

In gas wells, the plunger lift is usually used for the removal of liquids. It helps in removing liquid from the well bore. However, it is also leveraged to reduce potential emissions. It can even help you to keep tubing clear.

Benefits of Plunger Lift

Now that you have a basic idea of the plunger lift and understand the application, it is time to know about its benefits. Here are the benefits of a plunger lift.

  • Improves Production

Enhancing production is at the core of the oil and gas industry. Using the plunger lift can help you achieve that. This method has the potential to improve the production rate by about 10 to 20 per cent. Even when there is a low casing pressure, production will not be affected. Moreover, it also allows you to keep tubing clear and offers a long-term solution.

  • Economical

The external power required is minimal. The main energy source to drive theplunger is reservoir pressure. A small amount of power is required for thecontrol panel, control valve, and any SCADA system devices. Solar panels andbatteries are enough to provide power for this system. Instrument gas is typicallyused to operate the control valve, but all-electric options are available.

Drawbacks of Plunger Lift

  • Continuous Production

Plunger lift is not suitable when continuous production is required, such as inhorizontal wells where intermittent flow causes liquid to fall back into thehorizontal. However, bypass plungers and gas-assisted plunger lift may beuseful in such circumstances.

  • High Sand Production Wells

This method is not suitable for wells which have high sand production problems.However, very small amounts of sand can be tolerated by using bar stockor brush type plungers, which are often employed for a short time after wellworkovers to help clean up the well.


Now that you are well aware of the plunger lift, it is time to leverage it. Make sure to get professional assistance for the best outcomes. Whether you need help with plunger lift, Gas Lift, Downhole Completion Equipment’s, SAZ Oilfield Services can be your go-to place. The experts also offer top-notch sand management services and quality products like modern screen plant and inflow control device. Connect with the professionals today! 


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