An introduction to completion methods in oil and gas industry
Even with great strides toward renewable sources, the demand for oil and gas will not go down soon. The number of oil and gas reserves is constantly skyrocketing in many corners of the globe. The fresh discoveries are due to innovations in geological analysis procedures. Many new oil wells are being drilled as the demand for well completion accessories is increasing. Drilling an oil and gas well is not an easy task. Years pass from the initial planning and licensing to finally getting hydrocarbons out from the well. The steps are usually in the order of: Pre-drilling activities : Register yourself as a government-regulated operator in the oil and gas industry. Then pick a geological target location where the hydrocarbon reserves are discovered. Select a where the hydrocarbons can come up to the surface and dispatch for processing. This is where the well is connected to the above-surface oil rig and support equipment. Once you have...